Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Living Daily in the Glory of God

When I started this blog, I wanted to write in it every day. I wanted it to be my way of continuously coming to the Word. I started it off well, sharing my enjoyment of this Christian life I have. However, it started to slow down. I didn't know why so much, until 2 weeks after. Until now.

When I started this blog, I was merely sharing what I have learned through the day. Something that I have read and learned about the Bible and of God. It was full of life, seeking the Lord. A few posts down the line, I looked into the Word not to gain the Lord but share knowledge. At that point, I slowed down in writing. I stopped writing.

I would open the window and have a blank slate in front of me to write whatever comes to mind, but nothing. Why? I can tell you, it's because I was seeking mere words in a book rather than the life of God in His Word.

I wrote in my earlier post and quoted that "Every Scripture is God-breathed". Somewhere down the line, I stopped taking that in and looked to teach rather than feed. It was good that I had a moment to step back and look at it that way.

This week, some students reminded me of what it means to continuously seek the Lord. To continuously live in Him. Amen!

The church is seeking to expand and to grow. The Lord is looking for His expansion through us, the church. To do so, we must not just come to the Lord during the Sabbath and during bible study, and meetings, and at the church building. But rather, we should come to the Lord whenever we can. Day by day, moment by moment. We must remember to praise and thank the Lord.

The students emphasized on creating vital groups and prayer groups. Every morning, I have a prayer group call me on the phone and we pray to God and call onto him for 15-30 minutes of our day. It's a great way to start the day by waking up and turning to God. Telling Him "Lord, I Love You! Lord, I praise you! Thank You, Lord!" However, it must not stop there. As Christians, we must continue to live a Christian life. To do so, we must continue to see God in everything we do. When we meet people, when we speak to each other, are we speaking God? Or are we speaking something of the world? Most likely the latter. In doing so, we distract ourselves from a goal of coming to God. In becoming one with the Lord. So how do we stop ourselves from doing so? By reminding ourselves that God wants to gain us more every day. When we do so, we will spontaneously speak as God speaks through us to our family, friends, acquaintances and maybe even random strangers.

By doing so, we breathe out God and feed the Word of God to others. We supply life into others, and in doing so we fill ourselves with God through them too. The feeling of knowing that you are with God, and you somehow (even for a brief moment) were able to feed and turn your conversation with a friend towards God, is a good feeling.

I didn't have that the past few weeks while looking to write. I was looking merely to just teach, rather than to converse and feed my readers and speak with God through my writing. So from this point on, I want to open myself to God first before I start typing. If what I am about to write has nothing of God in my words but rather more of my own thoughts, I do not want to write it anymore. I want to type as if God was typing for me.

Rather than trying to write something every day, like I was before, I want to write when I have a real feeling of being touched by the Word. Mainly, because at that moment, I am writing and dispensing God, rather than just my own thoughts. Lord Jesus! Help me in my weakness! Speak through me so that others may hear you! I want nothing of me, but everything of you in my words that others are reading. Lord, feed them with your Word through me.  Lord work on me daily and work through me. Let me serve you, as you have served us.

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