Monday, November 2, 2015


Today, during fellowship, we were speaking to some new to the church. We found them to be seeking the Lord, but have yet to proclaim him as our savior. The fellowship went on to find that they have not been baptized properly. In their pasts, they were baptized only by the sprinkling of the water, but not yet fully immersed into the Lord.

It reminded me of how I came to be baptized. One of their stories coincided with mine.  She was seeking for God in several churches only to find that in such religion it felt very superficial and exclusive only to the members of that particular church. That if you were not one of them, and do not follow through with their practices,  then you are not deemed worthy to be a part of that church. There was no feeling of acceptance in the places we have went to.

Until someone preached what true baptism is; The one thing that struck me was
when someone said that when we are baptized we are not being baptized into a particular church. We do not belong to a certain group. But when we are baptized it should be into the body,  into the Spirit, into God. That is the proper baptism, to be immersed into the water and bring "death" to our old selves. To be saved by opening our spirits to the Lord after being raised from the waters and enjoying His life supply as the life-giving Spirit. These newcomers still had questions and worries. 

However, all anxious doubting should and will be laid aside when you hear the calling of the Lord to be saved from the grasps of Satan and sin.

Romans 10:13 Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

The first thing you must do and accept wholeheartedly is that the Lord is truly our savior, that you truly believe unto Him. That you are willing to call out to Him and let Him take you as you are and accept that you are a sinner in the Lord's eyes, but he has died and resurrected so that you may be saved.

Once you do that, you are saved. You have God in your spirit. However, there is still a matter of the assurance of salvation. Once you call out to Him, it's just the beginning. It means that you are allowing God to open your being and accept Him into your spirit. Your spirit is still deadened by the world, thus you need to fully let go and accept it as dead and be reborn into a new man. You need to be baptized.

Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.

Believing an being baptized are two parts of one complete step for receiving the full salvation of God. Believing is receiving the Lord Jesus as the Savior, Being baptized is an outward confirmation of someone's inward believing. 

Some questions often asked:
When can you be baptized?
- When you truly feel wholeheartedly that the Lord is calling you. When the Lord has called you to Him and you feel the need to be saved.

Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If you believe from all your heart, you will be saved. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Basically, at any moment, day or night. All you need is enough water that you can immerse your whole body in. A saved one that can baptize you into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Acts 8:36 look! Water. What prevents me from being baptized?
Acts 8:39 And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away; and the eunuch did not see him anymore, for he went on his way rejoicing.

How many times can you be saved?
- Once. All you need is the one time. Once you call on the Lord, and your spirit renewed through baptism, you have the assurance of salvation. 

Before being baptized, you ask for his salvation, but nothing will come. Why? 
- Because you are still of sin. If you are not yet baptized, there is no way for God to fill Himself into your being and wash your sins away. Once baptized you open your spirit so that God may grow more into you and inwardly transform your being into His likeness.

God expands himself from your spirit to your soul, and through your soul towards your body as life. Then we can be filled with His life and receive the full salvation.

It is a serious matter, baptism. One that you must really concern yourselves with. If you truly hear the Lord's calling, then what is stopping you? It's a matter that you must pray hard for.

"Lord, I am a sinner. I wish to be saved. The flesh is still strong within me that I have yet to say 'Amen' to you. I want to believe unto you and open my being. If you are truly calling me, lead me to the waters towards my baptism. I do not want this old life anymore, I want to be filled with You in the spirit. I want to proclaim you as our savior. I want to see you truly as the Son of God. Lead and guide me Lord. Save me today."

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