Monday, October 5, 2015

The Great I AM

Exodus 3:14 And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. And He said, Thus you shall say to the children of Isael, I AM has sent me to you.
"I AM" has so much in it. In other words, God is saying "I will be who I will be";or "I will become who I will become. The divine title I AM denotes that God is the One who is self-existing and ever-existing, and who depends on nothing apart from Himself. As the I Am, He is the all-inclusive One, the reality of every positive thing and of whatever His called and sent ones need.

God is what God is. God is the unique self-existing One. Everything else comes and goes, but God remains. We are not, but God and God alone, always is.

Before anything else came into existence, God was. After so many things have passed out of existence, God will still be. God was, God is, and God will be.

As the self-existing One, God is the reality of every positive thing. The Gospel of John revelas that He is all we need; Life, light, food, drink pasture, the way.

This is an amazing thing to come upon and realize. Heaven and earth may pass away, but God will not. If you only believe in God, everything will be all right. You have your many riches, your health, and your flesh now, but some day those will cease to exist. However, God will still be there. You may have your weaknesses now, but those will be gone as well. Do not believe either in your weakness or in your strength for both your weakness and your strength will pass away. However, when they are gone, God will continue to be the One who is.
Acts 19:11-12 And God did works of power of no ordinary kind through the hands of Paul, / So that even handkerchiefs or aprons were carried away from his body to the sick, and their diseases left them, and the evil spirits went out.
Many times, we see God as the almighty One. However, Jehovah God is neither able or mighty, and at the same time He is both. Many instances in the Bible, God has shown Himself to believers and some of those times he was the almighty one. Paul healed many people, and even the handkerchiefs that had been in touch with him could heal others.

Other times he wasn't able nor almighty in any way. When Paul was to be martyred, God did not show his greatness by breaking down the walls and setting Paul free. Rather, Paul just stayed and believed in Him, which gave Paul his strength and comfort. He does nothing to show His power, nor help us. However, Even when God apparently does nothing for us, we should still believe in Him as the One who is. If we know God as the One who is, we shall be greatly encouraged, especially during difficult times. To know God as the One who is, brings us into a deeper understanding and knowing of who He is.

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