Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Song: Never Did I Dream Before

I enjoy this song very much. It gives a bit of that feeling of remembering the beginnings of your church life. I hope that if you are a part of the church that you don't ever forget the enjoyment that you've experienced when God first came into your life and made Himself real to you.

Title: Never Did I Dream Before

1 Never did I dream before,
Such a place could e’er be found,

Where the tears of sorrow cease,
Songs of endless joy abound.
One who seldom ever sang,
Now delights his voice to raise;
Singing hymns with all the saints,
Echoing the ceaseless praise.

2 Day by day the world goes on,
Just as it has gone before.
Millions grasp and clutch at life,
Wond’ring if there could be more;
Such was I and would be, yet
Mercy found me out somehow;
With what gratefulness I say,
“I’m in God’s own family now.

3 How delightful ’tis to know;
How subjective, real, and sweet
Is this inward joy of grace
We experience when we meet;
Life abundant Jesus gives
As my full reality;
Praise You, Lord, it’s really true,
I’m in Your own family.

4 At the closing of this age,
Just before Your kingdom’s dawn,
May You gain a people, Lord,
For Your dwelling place, Your home.
Since for me You gave Your all,
Everything I lay aside;
For Your church my all I’d give,
That You would be satisfied

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