Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Will of God

(From an e-mail received from a friend in church: Ariel Yang)
People always want to know what God’s will for them is. They’ll pray and pray, “God, what do you want me to do?” Many people ask people to pray for them and with them, but they don’t realize that their problem is in their heart.

How do we know the will of God? It’s not a matter of the procedure, but a matter of what kind of person you are. In the Bible, many people prayed, but look at the kind of person God reveals His will to - not the people who prayed for God’s will in order to compare it to their own goals and choose what they want, but to people who had already resolved to do God’s will, whatever it may be. Examples: David and building the temple of God (God’s answer was that David couldn’t build the temple, contrary to David’s original intention); Samuel and establishing the kingship of Israel (Samuel hated the idea of establishing the kingship); Peter and spreading the gospel to Gentiles (Peter considered them unclean).

The real problem isn’t that we don’t know God’s will, but that we pray while still holding our own interests as the top priority in our heart. We ask, “Lord, what kind of career do You want me to have? (but I really want a successful career that allows me to live a comfortable life Lord, is that what You want? That’s what I want)”.

We don’t know how to reconcile ourselves to the Lord’s will because we still have our own will. Once the Lord and His will becomes our only goal and aim, His will becomes very clear. You might not like the answer, but by then it’s too late, you’re locked in. And even the future you would never have originally considered will be sweeter and bring you closer to Him than any path you originally wanted.

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