Friday, September 25, 2015

Three Signs of Being Called and Sent by God: The Leprous Hand (2/3)

Moses, in his being called and sent by Jehovah to speak to Pharaoh about releasing His people, had no confidence in himself to carry out the will of God. Which made Moses the right person to send out, for our God is seeking for those who rely only unto Him and nothing of the flesh.

God gave Moses three signs at which he would show Pharaoh that Moses was the chosen on. Signs that not only Pharaoh, but people living on the earth need to take heed and listen to. These signs were to provide proof that Jehovah is really the one speaking through Moses, and that Moses is carrying out God's will.

The first sign was the staff turning into a serpent. The staff is a representation of all that we rely on apart from God. The staff is the devil in disguise trying to usurp us into not relying on our God, but of our own strengths and abilities. The staff turning into the serpent is to show the devil hiding in these things we hold on to so dearly. If we aren't taking the snake by the tail and are using our "staff" for any other purpose other than God's will and authority, then we are being used by the devil. That was the first sign to be revealed.

Exodus 4:5  That they may believe that Jehovah, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.
God is God. There is no other, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are all one God, Jehovah. He has shown Himself to Moses, and has given three signs to prove that He is who He is. The first was the staff, the second was the leprous hand; The hand becoming leprous.

Exodus 4:6-7 And Jehovah further said to him, Now put your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom, and when he took it out, there his hand was, leprous, as white as snow. / And He said, Put your hand into your bosom again - so he put his hand into his bosom again, and when he took it out of his bosom, there it was, restored like the rest of his flesh -
The second sign was the hand becoming leprous. The bosom in this passage signifies what is within us, and the leprosy signifies sin. This sign shows that our flesh is the embodiment of leprosy, i.e., the embodiment of sin.
Romans 7:17-18a Now then it is no longer I that work it out but sin that dwells in me. / For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells; 
In our flesh, is nothing good, nothing but sin, corruption, and uncleanness.
Isaiah 6:5 Woe is me, for I am finished!For I am a man of unclean lips, And in the midst of a people of unclean lips I dwell; Yet my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts.
But when we obey the Lord by keeping His word, His cleansing power is able to make us clean.
2 Kings 5:1 But the man, though a mighty man of valor, was a leper.
2 Kings 5:10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored; and you shall be clean.
2 Kings 5:14 So he went down and dipped in the Jordan seven times according to the word of the man of God. And his flesh was restored to be like the flesh of a little boy, and he was clean.
The Lord is of no sin, when we let him into our being and keep His word he cleanses us. Jesus with his blood has cleansed us. God, with his mighty power, has cleansed us. But we are still sinners, we still belong to the flesh in most regards. Which is why we need to keep coming to the Word, day by day, moment by moment, so that we can be cleansed little by little.

In 2 Kings 1-14, the leper was told to was in the Jordan seven times. Not just once, but seven times. Which means that this process doesn't happen all at once. The flesh is strong in holding us down and away from God. It takes time and a process before we can be fully cleansed.

The flesh is against the Spirit:
Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these oppose each other that you would not do the things that you desire.
It's a long battle to gain our beings. Flesh against the Spirit, Spirit against the flesh. If we don't want our flesh to consume us, we have to come to the Word, in our spirits. In our spirits is where the cleansing begins, it is the river Jordan where we can touch Him and be cleansed by Him. Every time we come to the Word, a part of our flesh is cleansed and dealt with. If we come to the Word of God and keep His Word, we will be continuously enjoy His cleansing power, and we too can be restored in our spirits.
 Galatians 5:24 But they who are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and its lusts.

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