Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Prophet

Exodus 7:1 And Jehovah said to Moses, See, I have made you God to Pharaoh; and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.
God created man in his likeness so that he may be His continuation, expansion and expression on the earth. The first man was given everything, and all he needed to do was enjoy all that God has made and given to him on earth. Man failed.

Then He brought down the Son. To be man's Savior. Jesus Christ was put on this earth to be the "last Adam" and become the first-born living God-man. To become the life giving Spirit, who dispenses himself into man to form the mingled spirit.

Jehovah, as the Son, came down on to the earth to represent Him. To be God to the fallen man. He being the first-born set out in his life to preach the good Word and revive those who have fallen so that they may be reborn in His likeness. The Son became God to man, and those who have been renewed, revived, and resurrected shall become the brothers who will be the continuation of the Lord's actions on earth.  

We are all prophets. 

 "7:1^1a Prophet: A prophet is not mainly one who predicts the future but one who speaks for another, as Aaron spoke for Moses." (Holy Bible Recovery Version Footnote)

God the Father, came down as God the Son, to live and die as a man, and be resurrected as God the Spirit to dispense his life and blessings into the saved ones so that they may continue to gain more brothers to share in the enjoyment of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We are God's expression on earth.

Numbers 11:25 And Jehovah came down in the cloud and spoke to him, and He took of the Spirit who was upon him, and put Him upon the seventy elders. And when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, but they did not do so again.
We as God's expression on earth, must walk with Christ in the Father. Open ourselves in the spirit so that Christ may fill himself into our being, and when our spirits are filled with Him we become prophets; those who speak for Him, according to His words and nothing of ours.
Luke 1:67 And Zachariah his father was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied...
When coming to the Word, we are being fed with spiritual nourishment. When we eat of the Word, we are being filled with Christ. When we have had our portion, we share our enjoyment of the Word with others by prophesying the words spoken to us through Him. When we are prophesying, we are expressing Him and enjoying Him, thus fulfilling our purpose here on earth. The purpose of that the first man has failed in doing by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Let us not fail our Father, for He has not failed us. He spoke to through the Son who became our Savior and Lord, and filled us with his life in our beings so that we can become his prophets to speak on His behalf and express Him on the earth today.
Jude 1:14 And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied also of these, saying, Behold, the Lord came myriads of His saints
To prophecy is to (1) speak for God, which I have emphasized on in the previous paragraphs. (2) Speak God forth, the Bible is God-breathed which contains the element of God, so our words that come out should not be ours but should be God himself breathing out through us. In a sense, we become God to those we speak to. Lastly, to prophesy is to (3) minister and dispense God and Christ into people, which is touched upon in the new testament:

1 Corinthians 14:3-5 But he who prophesies speaks building up and encouragement and consolation to men. / He who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but he who prophesies builds up the church. / I desire that you all speak in tongues, but especially that you would prophesy; and greater is he who prophesies than he who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, that the church may receive building up.
When ministering Christ into people, we give them the Word. When we dispense Christ into people, we are feeding them the Word, which goes deeper than just speaking forth God. This dispensing is for the building up of the Church, the Body. When we speak for and speak forth God, we need to also be ministering and dispensing God to people so that they too will be filled with Christ.
Revelations 22:9 I am your fellow slave and a fellow slave of your brothers the prophets and of those who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God.

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