Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The One New Man

Welcome to what I hope to become a daily blog of the living Word of God.

I am Jason, a believer and lover of Christ, our Lord. A Philippines-born, Filipino-American, who was raised in the Bay Area of California from the age of 6.

I was born and raised in the Catholic churches, and have lost my way somewhere in my living as a man. The enjoyment of the Holy Spirit's dispensing was not there. I wandered, lost in the wilderness, in the fleshly world. I enjoyed the world through the flesh of man, but found no enjoyment in my inner being. I did not have God with me.
So, I wandered for 30 years of my life living as just a man.
 John 15:4 Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in me.
Then one day, the Lord came calling .I was longing for fellowship, I was longing for his mercy and sovereignty. I reached the lowest point my human life could have reached. I left America, the land that had made me into what I was, and moved to South Korea to find a new life. A fresh start. Here, I found myself falling back into the fallen man, and enjoying once again the fleshly living.
Acts 7:51 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in hearts and ears, you always oppose the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, you also do.
Then the Philippines was hit by a typhoon, a massive disaster that destroyed my hometown, and flipped my world on it's head. I found myself desperate, and helpless. I was so close to my hometown, to the family and friends I've grown up with there, and everything was just a mess. I'm not ashamed to tell people that I cried like a child who was lost in the amusement park looking for my father and mother. I may have even cried harder than that. I lived the first few weeks, lost in my thoughts, wondering if I could do anything. I was a ghost at work, a robot just going through the motions, and once I got home I found myself weak. Forced to bend my knees and pray. I haven't prayed so hard in so long, I haven't reached out to God in such a long time, but the words flowed. Like a baby yearning for the milk of my mother, I cried out to the Lord:

"Lord, I am weak! Lord, I am nothing! Lord, I have no power in myself, but I believe in Your power! I give up, Lord! Take me, and make with me what You want. Guide me to where You want me to be, and what You want me to do. I am just a man, but you are God! You are the Father, You are Lord! Lord, have mercy on me. I am a lowly sinner, but my heart yearns for You!"

After praying, I found peace. I found acceptance, I found mercy and grace. He answered my prayers the next day, when I was flooded with messages from my family members and friends who told me they were all okay and safe. They suffered much loss, but were all alive. His mercy really shone on me that day, not even one of the people who I knew back in my childhood home was harmed or injured. I feel like He knew, what I felt in my heart. He gave me such grace to accept what was happening around me, that I was ready to accept the biggest loss in my life. But He granted such great mercy to this sinner's life. I opened myself up to Him, and He filled me with his Spirit.
 Duet 33:25b As your days are, so shall your strength be.
I began to search for more fellowship, for a place that would bring me closer to God, for somewhere I could share this testimony and my enjoyment of Christ. It still took a while, a few friends would invite me to churches and I denied their offers with excuses. One day, my days cleared and I was lead to the church in Seoul. I fellow-shipped, enjoyed, and learned how to pray deeper.

I was saved in South Korea, on June 6th, 2014. On that day, I died. 

I was baptized that evening, and when I went into the cold waters my old self died. It took from me everything of what I was in my past and led me deeper into the light, God. After emerging from the waters, I was reborn into the One New Man, with an opened spirit ready for the Lord Christ to enter into my being, and fill me until there truly is nothing left of my old self.

On that day, I began a new journey, into the life of becoming a God-man. A mingled spirit that consists both of God and of man. In the spirit, God and man, man and God, are built up together by being blended and mingled together to form the "one new man" that came out of those cold waters that day. I am part, a member, of the resurrected body of Christ that is the church.
Job 42:5 I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye has seen You;
Job 42:6 Therefore I abhor myself, and I repent in dust and ashes.
The following messages and posts will be my sharing, my testimony, my enjoyment of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I hope you can follow me along this journey, and walk with Christ with me. Let us strengthen our love for the Lord. Blend, and mingle with the brothers and sisters in the churches. May we open our ears to God's word and find truth in the love. May he shine His light among His people, and bring in life into us so we may rise from our dead state and find ourselves in the Holy of Holies blended together in the one new man. 
Psalms 119:25b  Enliven me according to your word

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